Journaling for Mental Health
Journaling is a healthy coping strategy that can help reduce mental stress and anxiety, coping with major depressive disorder, and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of journaling is a therapeutic tool that can be practiced at home and at a convenient time, with just the need of a journal and pencil. When we have an overwhelming number of thoughts, good or bad, it can be helpful to write them out and choose what to focus on.
What is Confidentiality?
Confidentiality is a fundamental aspect of therapy and is essential for building trust between the therapist and the client. We understand that coming to counseling requires courage, vulnerability, and trust. You need to feel completely comfortable opening up about personal issues without fear of judgment or breach of privacy. That’s why confidentiality is so important! La confidencialidad es un aspecto fundamental de la terapia y es esencial para generar confianza entre el terapeuta y el cliente. Entendemos que acudir a asesoramiento requiere valentía, vulnerabilidad y confianza. Debe sentirse completamente cómodo hablando de cuestiones personales sin temor a ser juzgado o violar la privacidad. ¡Por eso la confidencialidad es tan importante!
5 Steps to Setting Boundaries
From your significant other to your mother, relationships are complicated. This is not to say that relationships aren’t worth it. Though, sometimes it may feel that way. Sometimes you may feel the urge to cut ties because you’re sick of feeling hurt or tired of fighting. At the end of the day, the choice is yours. However, it may be worth exploring the concept of boundaries before burning any bridges.
Journaling for Mental Health
Journaling is a healthy coping strategy that can help reduce mental stress and anxiety, coping with major depressive disorder, and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of journaling is a therapeutic tool that can be practiced at home and at a convenient time, with just the need of a journal and pencil. When we have an overwhelming number of thoughts, good or bad, it can be helpful to write them out and choose what to focus on.
Exploring Our Childhoods As A Means of Growth and Healing
We often do not realize how our childhood experiences influence our interactions and relationships with others as we age. It is not uncommon for people to explain their behavior by saying “I have always been this way.” or “That’s just who I am.” But what if there is something you have been burying inside just waiting to be discovered?