Journaling for Mental Health
Journaling is a healthy coping strategy that can help reduce mental stress and anxiety, coping with major depressive disorder, and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of journaling is a therapeutic tool that can be practiced at home and at a convenient time, with just the need of a journal and pencil. When we have an overwhelming number of thoughts, good or bad, it can be helpful to write them out and choose what to focus on.
There are no Taboos in Mental Health!
Taboos in mental health refer to societal stigmas, misconceptions, or cultural norms that discourage open discussion, acknowledgment, or acceptance of mental health issues. These taboos can contribute to feelings of shame, isolation, and reluctance to seek help among individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Reducing these feelings associated with mental health taboos requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses societal attitudes, promotes awareness and education, and fosters supportive environments.
Los tabúes en salud mental se refieren a estigmas sociales, conceptos erróneos o normas culturales que desalientan el debate abierto, el reconocimiento o la aceptación de los problemas de salud mental. Estos tabúes pueden contribuir a sentimientos de vergüenza, aislamiento y renuencia a buscar ayuda entre las personas que experimentan problemas de salud mental. Reducir estos sentimientos asociados con los tabúes de salud mental requiere un enfoque multifacético que aborde las actitudes sociales, promueva la conciencia y la educación y fomente entornos de apoyo.
Tips on Taking Control
Not focusing on what you can't control is a crucial skill for maintaining mental well-being and reducing stress. Recognize that life is unpredictable, and unexpected events will occur. Embrace flexibility and adaptability. Being open to change and uncertainty can reduce anxiety about uncontrollable factors. Remember that letting go of the need to control everything is a process that takes time and practice. By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can develop a healthier mindset and focus on what you can influence positively.
Tips on Grounding Techniques
Grounding techniques can be helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions by bringing your focus to the present moment. Engaging the five senses is a common approach to grounding.
Journaling for Mental Health
Journaling is a healthy coping strategy that can help reduce mental stress and anxiety, coping with major depressive disorder, and manage symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of journaling is a therapeutic tool that can be practiced at home and at a convenient time, with just the need of a journal and pencil. When we have an overwhelming number of thoughts, good or bad, it can be helpful to write them out and choose what to focus on.
Exploring Our Childhoods As A Means of Growth and Healing
We often do not realize how our childhood experiences influence our interactions and relationships with others as we age. It is not uncommon for people to explain their behavior by saying “I have always been this way.” or “That’s just who I am.” But what if there is something you have been burying inside just waiting to be discovered?
Self-Love Habits
Self-love is appreciating who you are, accepting that person, and knowing you are loved by yourself. This is easier said than done in a world of self-doubt, but creating healthy habits can increase sense of self-worth and encourage healthy relationships.
7 ways to practice self-love for good mental health
What is self-love? Self-love means that you accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and wellbeing.
Over time, practicing actions that promote self-love can help both your physical and psychological well-being. Practicing self-love can increase your self-esteem, make you aware of your strengths and allow you to be more accepting of your weaknesses.
7 Tips for Practicing Self-Love
Understanding “Self-” Words Series: Part 1
Growing up, you probably heard the word “self-esteem” a lot. How many times did your parents, teachers, and school counselors tell you how important it is to have healthy self-esteem? I’m sure you’ve heard many “self“ words: like self-compassion, self-acceptance, self-worth, etc. But what do those words really mean?